Friday, May 17, 2024

Kanaky: Deux journées d’affrontements meurtriers


Kanaky: Deux journées d’affrontements meurtriers

Le projet de réviser la Constitution afin d’élargir le corps électoral à 25 000 natifs et résidents depuis 10 ans recueille l’opposition des indépendantistes. Ce qui a donc donné lieu à deux nuits d’affrontements dans l’archipel, marquées par des tirs à balles réelles, alors que l’Assemblée nationale examinait le projet de loi relatif à cette révision constitutionnelle. Le 14 mai, après une nuit d’affrontements,, le Haut-commissaire de la République, Louis Le Franc, a décrété un couvre-feu à Nouméa. Mais lesements se sont encore étendus et durcis.

Les forces de l’ordre sont les principales visées par les manifestants et deux gendarmes ont été tués par balle.  Des colons se sont organisés en milices et ont tués pluusieurs personnes. Le président Macron a décrété l’état d’urgence à l’issue d’un Conseil de défense tenu ce 15 mai. Le Premier ministre français Gabriel Attal a annoncé mercredi le déploiement de militaires pour sécuriser les ports et l’aéroport de Nouvelle-Calédonie, confrontée à une vague de violences, ainsi que l’interdiction du réseau social TikTok. Le ministre de l’Intérieur a également annoncé l’envoi de renfort du GIGN, du RAID, des CRS, de la gendarmerie mobile.

Italie: Perquisitions contre le collectif communiste Levante

 La 14 mai à l’aube, à Padoue, la police a perquisitionné les domiciles de plusieurs membres du collectif communiste Levante, en arrêtant trois d’entre eux et en les emmenant au poste de police (ils ont été relachés quelques heures plus tard) En outre, le local ouvrier « Il picchetto » a également été perquisiotnionné, sur la surveillance des unités « celere » (police anti-émeute). Divers matériels, dont des banderoles et des drapeaux, ont été saisis. La raison cet opération policière est l’accusation portée contre les militants de  ce collectif de taguer les murs de la ville. Ce collectif a été ces derniers mois au centre des manifestations de solidarité avec la résistance palestinnenne et il a soutenu, ces derniers jours, les manifestations étudiantes contre la guerre et les accords entre les universités et Israël.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

La lucha por la vivienda en Chile infosolidaria


Imagen de cabecera: manifestantes contra el desalojo. Fuente: Periódico El Pueblo

Las ocupaciones de tierra se llaman tomas o campamentos en Chile. La falta de casas es una cuestión seria en Chile y las tomas y los campamentos se han multiplicados desde 2019, alcanzando ahora un número cercano a 120.000 familias pobres que viven en tomas de tierra “ilegales” en el país. El viejo Estado responde en defensa de la propiedad privada de los latifundios con procesos judiciales y órdenes de desalojo, además de la nueva orden represiva que dicta sentencias de prisión por la toma de tierra.

El gobierno oportunista de Boric es uno de los promulgadores de la ley antipopular. Ésta se acompaña con una campaña de prensa negra en la radio y la televisión presentando las tomas como “puntos calientes de crímenes” y para justificar las brutales acciones de la policía en los desalojos.

Una de las tomas más importante en la actuales luchas es la “Toma 17 de Mayo” que ahora se enfrenta a una orden de desalojo.

La Habitat International Coalition ha lanzado un Llamado a la Acción Urgente en Solidaridad para detener la orden de desalojo lanzada contra la Toma 17 de Mayo, Cerro Navia, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile, y responde a las exigencias de más de doscientas familias.

En este llamamiento se explica lo siguiente: “El 2 de octubre de 2023, la Corte Suprema dio orden de desalojar 11,3 hectáreas del Sector Fundo Santa Elvira, de la comuna de Cerro Navia, donde llegaron a vivir más de 200 familias desde mayo de 2019, por no disponer de otra alternativa habitacional. La toma nace de una agrupación de distintos vecinos de Cerro Navia que deciden tomar un terreno ocioso por 20 años (Figura. 1) en el límite urbano de la comuna. Vecinos con conocimientos en topografía levantan un plano de loteo previo a la toma. Por otro lado, se definen acuerdos entre los nuevos vecinos y deberes de cada uno al momento de ocupar el terreno.

En este caso, se trata de un terreno de la familia Guzmán-Nieto quien, en la Región Metropolitana, corresponde a la familia que más acumula propiedades – reservas de terrenos en engorde, – dentro de ellos el Loteo Industrial Santa Elvira, parte del proyecto logístico ENEA Ciudad de Negocios, a desarrollarse en las zonas aledañas al Aeropuerto de Santiago, y el cual proyecta construir múltiples infraestructuras hoteleras y de bodegajes sobre lo que desde el 2019 se ha constituido como una población construida por sus propios habitantes, la Toma 17 de Mayo. Es necesario mencionar, que antes de la toma el terreno no estaba siendo utilizado, era un terreno completamente baldío y aledaño a poblaciones de la Comuna de Cerro Navia y foco de microbasurales.

La familia Guzmán Nieto ha atizado el conflicto con las y los pobladores en toma, no manifestando ningún interés en negociar y en llegar a acuerdos, desde los comienzos de este proceso. Para ello ha interpuesto en contra de las familias de la toma 17 de Mayo, numerosos recursos legales. En una primera instancia interpusieron en 2019 un recurso de protección que no prosperó.

Posteriormente el año 2022, en el 5to juzgado de Garantía, presentan una Querella por Usurpación no violenta, que está vigente actualmente. Esta querella propone medidas cautelares asociadas a la orden de abandono inmediato de la toma de terreno de las personas acusadas, criminalizando a las familias ocupantes. En este caso dicha querella de usurpación se propone al mismo tiempo que el abogado demandante presenta la idea de legislar y actualizar la normativa sobre usurpaciones vigentes en Chile.”

Y de ahí el tipo de medidas cautelares sugeridas asociadas a sancionar con expulsión de los terrenos ocupados a las personas ocupadas. Junto al anterior proceso y en paralelo presentan un nuevo Recurso de Protección en contra de los pobladores en la Corte de Apelaciones De Santiago y en Agosto de 2023 2 , fue rechazado por este tribunal. En una nueva presentación 3 – y de la mano de la aprobación y promulgación de la Nueva Ley de Usurpación se decreta por parte de la tercera sala de la Corte Suprema el desalojo del 2 de

Octubre de 2023 4 de la Toma 17 de Mayo, la que debe ser ejecutada el 24 de abril de 2024.

El proceso legal del que han sido efecto los pobladores de la Toma 17 de Mayo ha estadoatravesada adicionalmente, como se ha mencionado más arriba por la reciente aprobación de la Ley de Usurpaciones 5 , conocida más popularmente como la «Ley Anti-tomas» o «Ley Maldita». El debate parlamentario del 30 de agosto de 2023, generó un dilema político para el gobierno del Presidente Gabriel Boric, y a pesar de sus esfuerzos por suavizar la propuesta, lo único que logró salvaguardar fue que todas las tomas ingresadas al Catastro Nacional de Campamentos vigente a diciembre de 2023 no estén sujetas a la aplicación del concepto de “flagrancia permanente” que actualiza esta ley, el cual hubiera permitido que todo campamento fuese desalojado en cualquier momento. Hoy todas las tomas de terreno y todas las ocupaciones no violentas de propiedades públicas y privadas pasan a ser abiertamente criminalizadas, incluso con penas de cárcel efectiva.”

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade's Assessment Of The Political Situation

The genocidal attacks on Palestine and the glorious resistance against these attacks are dominating the world agenda. The student movement for solidarity in Palestine has spread all over the world starting from the USA. This rising student movement against imperialist aggression frightens the rulers because it resembles the 68 youth movements. For this reason, the protests organized by students on campuses face intense police attacks. Reaction is rising around the world due to the attacks of Zionist Israel. Due to the mass reactions, countries like the USA are forced to withdraw their open support from Israel. The practices of the Netanyahu government are not accepted by Israelis either. On the one hand, a ceasefire is on the agenda, on the other hand Israel is attacking Rafah. Imperialists like Russia and China are trying to attract countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE to their side over the Palestinian issue in order to get the highest profit from this process. However, Israel, which quickly won the 6-Day War, has been unable to break the Palestinian resistance for several months. Palestine is a good example for all the peoples resisting the occupation attacks, especially Rojava. Such a small country continues to resist despite Israel's technical and military superiority.

Israel's attacks are not limited to Palestine. Countries like Syria and Lebanon are also being attacked at regular intervals. Apart from these attacks, the people in Syria and Lebanon are trapped in serious poverty. In Lebanon, racism is escalated by pointing to immigrants from Syria as the cause of this poverty and immigrant workers are subjected to major attacks. Although these attacks have not yet escalated as they have in Turkey, they are expected to reach this level due to the escalating racist policies.

for Bill Hilton 15May 2004/15May2024

William H. Hinton, who illuminated the gigantic strides of Socialist China secured under Chairman Mao, died 20 years ago on May 15th, 2004, at a nursing home in Concord, Mass. He was 85. Katherine survives him, as do Carmelita, and two daughters and one son from his second marriage.

His writings illustrated Mao’s China shaping the most path breaking experiments and how autonomy of workers and peasants surpassed level of any Western Democracy or third world country.

No author better diagnosed and projected the symmetry of historical periods from the land reform movements of the CPC in the pre-revolutionary period of the 1940’s to later stages of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution and how revolutionary democracy escalated zones untranscended.

Life History

William Howard Hinton was born Feb. 2, 1919, in Chicago, the second child and only son of Sebastian Hinton, a lawyer, and Carmelita Chase Hinton, an educator who founded The Putney School, in Putney, Vt.

Mr. Hinton was in the first class to attend Putney and graduated in 1936. Accepted at Harvard, he postponed college and instead traveled in the Far East, supporting himself with odd jobs. He attended Harvard from 1937 to 1939, then transferred to Cornell and in 1941 took a Bachelor of Science degree in agronomy and dairy husbandry.

Mr. Hinton returned to China during World War II as a propaganda analyst for the Office of War Information, and then again in 1947 as a tractor technician for the United Nations. When the United Nations program ended he stayed on as an English teacher and land-reform adviser in Fanshen, where he took more than 1,000 pages of notes on what he saw.

Over the course of the next year, he compiled a thousand pages of notes, with pin point detail, on the struggle waged against landlords and between different categories of peasants - in the village of Long Bow. Much later, he would recall "the lice, the fleas and all the hardships, and eating that terrible gruel out of an unwashed bowl while a young girl lay dying of tuberculosis".

Infuriated at the corruption of the Kuomintang nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek, Hinton crossed to a zone already liberated by the communists in the civil war. Landing in southern Shanxi province teaching English. When his students marched off to join the land reform movement, he demanded to take part.

When the Kuomintang attacked in 1948, he joined the retreat with the notes in his backpack. A year later, he was able to witness Mao Zedong's triumph.

When his passport expired, he returned to the United States in 1953, but was now hounded by the authorities. After the Eastland Committee tried him and declared the trunk full of papers they had taken from him to be ''the autobiography of a traitor,'' he worked as a truck mechanic in Philadelphia until he was blacklisted, then took up farming in Fleetwood, Pa., on land that his mother owned.

When he returned to the United States in 1953, his notes were confiscated by the senate internal security committee. He retrieved them after 5 years. -Hinton organized Chinese dumpling parties to pay for the legal fees - and then eight years to publish Fanshen.

With high resilience he waged a legal battle to recover his notes and papers. When he finally won, he embarked on writing ''Fanshen.'' In 1971, after the book was translated into Chinese, Zhou Enlai invited him to visit China again, and he resumed his work as an agricultural adviser.

Returning to China in the heat and backdrop of the Cultural Revolution, and to Long Bow, would take another five years, with the support of the country's deputy leader Zhou Enlai,

After the death of Mao and ascendancy of capitalist roaders from 1976.Hinton was bitterly critical of the gang of four and supported their arrest and CPC coup.

In the 1980s, as the post-Mao Zedong regime dismantled the people's communes, Hinton relentlessly backed the cooperative way. He was terrified with the redivision of the land into thin strips calling it "noodle strip farming which in his view violated Marxism.

In the mid 1980’s Hinton drifted from his earlier stand and became critical of the practice of the Cultural revolution, classifying it as a factional struggle, with Mao seeking power.

In 1993, on the 100th anniversary of Mao's birth, in a tea party in Beijing, where retired cadres from the ministry of culture sang nostalgic songs about the revolution.

Writing in the US Marxist journal Monthly Review, Hinton charged the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping of having reverted “from the socialist road to the capitalist road".

Hinton was highly disturbed by the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, which he was a first hand witness to, driving through the suburbs of Beijing to monitor the advance of the army. His daughter by his first marriage, Carmelita Hinton, born and educated in China, later co-produced The Gate of Heavenly Peace (1996) - a challenging film about the massacre.

In 1995, Hinton moved to Mongolia with his third wife Katherine Chiu, when she was appointed to the Unicef office in Ulan Bator. He lectured on no-till farming - the technique of leaving the soil untouched from planting to harvest, which he had developed on his own farm in Pennsylvania .In 1995 in an interview he most analytically or logically dissected every element of Mao’s political career, to give a knockout punch to the vilification of Mao Tse Tung as a dictator. Hinton dwelled into why it was imperative for Mao to wage political struggle against the line of Liu Shao Chi and Deng Xiaoping, to defend the political power of the working class. Hinton underlined why the Cultural Revolution as a whole was a great creative departure in history and not a plot, not a purge, but a mass mobilization whereby people were inspired to come to the party and supervise their cadres and form new popular committees to exercise control at the grassroots and higher.

Writing in the US Marxist journal Monthly Review in 1995, Hinton charged the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping of having reverted “from the socialist road to the capitalist road". It seemed idealistic at the time in harmony with Hinton’s endorsement of the cultural revolution in Turning Point In China (1972) .

Hinton toured different parts of the world to express his solidarity with revolutionary movements. During the final years of his life, he felt it was his duty to uphold the Chinese revolution combating the attacks and distortions waged against it. In writings and lectures given around the world, he upheld Mao’s revolutionary approach to land reform and collectivization. He played a major role in countering the bourgeoisie's ideological offensive against communism.

Head on he battled the slanders directed at the Great Leap Forward and Mao's agricultural policies, and relentlessly refuted vilification of the Cultural Revolution. This was an important contribution to the battle to countering the bourgeoisie's ideological offensive against communism.

Fanshen and Other Books